Caring for Older People
Distance Learning Course of 7 Lessons
This course has been discontinued
Course Description
The care of older people is a complex and skilled branch of health care. To be effective, carers need to be knowledgeable, flexible and positive in their interventions. This course’s objectives are based on the idea that care of older people needs to be holistic. This means that in order to be effective a carer must consider the client from biological, psychological and sociological viewpoints.
About Caring For Older People
It is essential to underpin this holistic assessment with an insight into the relationships between the client’s individual needs and the attitudes and resources that currently exist. In each session you will find activities which help you to explore both the situation experienced by the older person and your own beliefs and value systems.
The impact of demographic trends in caring for older people
The Social Context of Care for Older People
Provision of Care Within a Mixed Economy
Helping older people achieve independence
The Physiology of Ageing
Promoting Health in Older People
Holistic Care for Older People
Caring for Older People Certificate of Completion issued by eLearn Canada college.
With this course you will have unlimited access to your own personal tutor who specialises in their field of study. It is your personal tutor’s role to ensure that you receive constructive feedback and to deal with any queries you may have. You are more than welcome to telephone, fax or email your personal tutor.
You will also have access to a dedicated and friendly team of administrators and course advisors who offer sound and professional guidance and advice when you need it. This ensures that you will never feel neglected and that you will always succeed!
Assessment Method
After each lesson there will be a question paper, which needs to be completed and submitted to your personal tutor for marking. This method of continual assessment ensures that your personal tutor can consistently monitor your progress and provide you with assistance throughout the duration of the course.
This course is an online course. With online study you have access to your entire course from the start of your studies. You can access your course materials, and submit all of your question papers to your personal tutor, online from anywhere in the World using your unique student account.
Study Hours
This is only an approximate figure and is dependent upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each lesson there is a question paper that needs to be completed and returned to your tutor. You should allow at least 1 – 2 hours of study to complete each question paper. The approximate amount of time required to complete the course is: 140 hrs.
There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrollment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.
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