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Dear (Food) Diary

Health & Fitness
Scientists at several clinical-research centers in the U.S. found that dieters who kept a food diary lost twice as much weight as those who didn’t.

The study tracked nearly 1,700 overweight or obese adults across the country who were at least 25 years old. Men and women were included, and 44% of the group was African American. All participants were encouraged to use such weight-loss maintenance strategies as calorie restriction, weekly group sessions and moderately intensive exercise as well as to keep a food journal. The senior investigator, Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research in Portland, Ore., told me that “hands down, the most successful weight-loss method was keeping a record of what you eat.” In the six-month study, Click Here to read the rest of this article.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Kylie Sanchez

    research suggest that calorie restriction can also lengthen a person’s life span

  2. Lily Evans

    Calorie Restriction really helps in avoiding some diseases like diabetes and heart disease.-`”

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